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Hi! My name is Crystin. I am a "homemaker" in training I suppose. My resume is pretty extensive. I am currently an {okay} cook, a boo boo kisser, a playmate, a jungle gym, bug catcher, butt wiper... I think I'm missing butcher, {I'm not a} baker, and candle stick maker. We will put a pin in that. I am a stay at home mom to two boys and a wife to a pretty awesome husband who thinks I'm pretty awesome too. I love learning new things, tricks, tips, recipes, cleaning technique. I really love being a Home Maker and I am always still learning. I have a strange sense of humor sometimes but I always try to be honest. Motherhood is hard and I am doing the best I can with what I have. A mother's life is dirty, messy, fun, silly, pretty gross's exhausting, enjoyable and all in all, a darn good time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cloud Dough

My kids LOVE the sand box we have's raining, so that means, no sand...or does it? I found this awesome recipe for Cloud Dough and decided to try my hand at it. The boys were so excited. Not only does this "sand" feel awesome it smells amazing too.

I halved the recipe because I didn't have tons of flour to spare, but it turned out totally fine.

4 cups flour
1/2 cup baby oil
spoons, measure cups, bowls...anything that would play in the sand with
Put it all in a bowl and mix it until it forms a soft dough. Enjoy.

The boys couldn't get enough. When you squeeze the dough it sticks in the shape. It's pretty awesome. This stuff will be definitely be in my arsenal for a rainy day. It's really really moldable. We made some cute little castles.

Note: you may want to put it on a towel or sheet. It can get messy with two kiddos :)


Book Worm said...

Can you use olive oil instead of baby oil?

Crystin said...

That's an interesting question. I haven't tried that, but I'm not sure it would be a huge difference. The main thing is it won't smell as good.