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Hi! My name is Crystin. I am a "homemaker" in training I suppose. My resume is pretty extensive. I am currently an {okay} cook, a boo boo kisser, a playmate, a jungle gym, bug catcher, butt wiper... I think I'm missing butcher, {I'm not a} baker, and candle stick maker. We will put a pin in that. I am a stay at home mom to two boys and a wife to a pretty awesome husband who thinks I'm pretty awesome too. I love learning new things, tricks, tips, recipes, cleaning technique. I really love being a Home Maker and I am always still learning. I have a strange sense of humor sometimes but I always try to be honest. Motherhood is hard and I am doing the best I can with what I have. A mother's life is dirty, messy, fun, silly, pretty gross's exhausting, enjoyable and all in all, a darn good time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm Back

2,000 dirty diapers, 2 car seats, several stretch marks and a whole lot of sleepless nights has landed me right back in the blogging seat. Life is so funny.... I am reading back through my posts and how I was scared to death and dreading the upcoming birth of my second child...nearly three months later, I gasp at the thought that I have made it this far! Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful to have another bundle but it's TOUGH! I don't care what other people say... it's TOUGH... Never a moment to yourself... as I type now, I am looking at a chunky little one bouncing happily in his bouncer at my feet sucking on his hands and guessing when lunch will be. I'm tired, cranky, disheveled, hairy (that's right... try shaving when you get to have 2 mins in the shower a day!), and just plain worn out. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions, schedules, planning and just being supermom sometimes...but all in all, it's worth it. I have never been happier although it may seem different when I am cleaning yogurt off the floor, throw up off my back and running to grab my cell phone from a toddler and a curiosity for a fish tank... I am blessed to have my family and I am so thankful.

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