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Hi! My name is Crystin. I am a "homemaker" in training I suppose. My resume is pretty extensive. I am currently an {okay} cook, a boo boo kisser, a playmate, a jungle gym, bug catcher, butt wiper... I think I'm missing butcher, {I'm not a} baker, and candle stick maker. We will put a pin in that. I am a stay at home mom to two boys and a wife to a pretty awesome husband who thinks I'm pretty awesome too. I love learning new things, tricks, tips, recipes, cleaning technique. I really love being a Home Maker and I am always still learning. I have a strange sense of humor sometimes but I always try to be honest. Motherhood is hard and I am doing the best I can with what I have. A mother's life is dirty, messy, fun, silly, pretty gross's exhausting, enjoyable and all in all, a darn good time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Taking a new perspective today

Today has been one of those days when nothing seems to go right. There is a laundry list of things I need to do (including laundry). There are not enough hours in the day. I feel neglectful of my kids because I had to finish off some soaps I am making for my sister. I feel neglectful of the house because I want to make up for the time I didn't play with my kids today. It's a vicious cycle. I feel like I know one word and that's "No" normally followed by "LUCAS!" The kids are pushing my buttons continuously today. It's like they know when you are busy and that's when they need one million things and whine about one million things and find one million things to break or destroy, eat, vomit on...etc.  I am the mom today that has used TV as a babysitter...add another guilt to the list. Our Christmas tree is naked from the middle down...we are down 10 ornaments, Luke has (for the second year in a row) pooped out the metal topper on our ornaments which was sort of an unwelcomed surprise. I'm testy, the kids are whining and I still feel like "if I could just get one more thing done today, I will feel better" which I know is not true. 

It seems like such a stupid thing to whine about... I am blessed to be at home with my babies, taking care of the house... I love it but things just seem so overwhelming on certain days. Some days I am flying through the day, everyone is happy, things are going great and others I want to crawl under the bed with the door locked and go back to sleep. That's not possible and I know it. In my head sometimes I go to that place and giggle to myself at the ridiculouness of it all.

The joy of the day I guess is the little things. The stuff you got done and even the stuff you didn't get done is not important at the end of the day. It's that you are there... being with your them that assurance you are just a "mommy!" away. Helping them learn trust and skills they need can't make it without.
When put into perspective, I feel better. I guess I need to take my own advice and realize I am important and my job as a mother is important. To be thankful that I have dirty dishes... it means we have food. To be thankful I have an unmade means I have somewhere to lay my head at night. To be thankful for the loads of laundry I need to do, the messy yard, the kitchen that's a disaster means I am blessed. Most importantly to be thankful for those two sweet boys that sometimes get under my skin, that argue every word I say, that make messes, question everything, get dirty... it means I am a mother. No matter what, that won't change and I am thankful for that.


SelenaP said...

We all have those days. It WILL get easier as the boys get older. Hang in there!

Crystin said...

Thanks Selena!