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Hi! My name is Crystin. I am a "homemaker" in training I suppose. My resume is pretty extensive. I am currently an {okay} cook, a boo boo kisser, a playmate, a jungle gym, bug catcher, butt wiper... I think I'm missing butcher, {I'm not a} baker, and candle stick maker. We will put a pin in that. I am a stay at home mom to two boys and a wife to a pretty awesome husband who thinks I'm pretty awesome too. I love learning new things, tricks, tips, recipes, cleaning technique. I really love being a Home Maker and I am always still learning. I have a strange sense of humor sometimes but I always try to be honest. Motherhood is hard and I am doing the best I can with what I have. A mother's life is dirty, messy, fun, silly, pretty gross's exhausting, enjoyable and all in all, a darn good time.

Monday, June 11, 2012

DIY Fabric Refresher-No Residue

I love Febreeze, but I hate the price tag. I have been looking for a cheap way to make a fabric refresher at home. I have tried some with Baking Soda...don't know what I was thinking. The baking soda is supposed to dissolve in the water, but never does. It was a bear trying to shake all the baking soda up everytime I wanted to use the refresher. It wasn't even worth the time and effort. Not to mention, the baking soda will pool at the bottom and clog the sprayer. Disaster. So here's the recipe I found here. I tried it for the first time this a.m. and I have to say I am pleased. The fragrance I chose was Fresh Linen. I used 40 drops. The linen scent is very light... I am going to try another scent next time for sure. I sprayed this stuff only on my tattered rugs I have around the house to see how it works and if there are any bad side affects before I started using it like crazy like I do with the other fabric refreshers.

I loved the idea of adding vodka because it antimicrobial and I thought that would be perfect on the bathroom rugs and so on.  There is absolutely no vodka smell once you spray it. The alcohol disperses.  I will update the post once I know for sure it's okay.

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