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Hi! My name is Crystin. I am a "homemaker" in training I suppose. My resume is pretty extensive. I am currently an {okay} cook, a boo boo kisser, a playmate, a jungle gym, bug catcher, butt wiper... I think I'm missing butcher, {I'm not a} baker, and candle stick maker. We will put a pin in that. I am a stay at home mom to two boys and a wife to a pretty awesome husband who thinks I'm pretty awesome too. I love learning new things, tricks, tips, recipes, cleaning technique. I really love being a Home Maker and I am always still learning. I have a strange sense of humor sometimes but I always try to be honest. Motherhood is hard and I am doing the best I can with what I have. A mother's life is dirty, messy, fun, silly, pretty gross's exhausting, enjoyable and all in all, a darn good time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fog bubbles using dry ice

Due to the excess of dry ice from Halloween, the boys and I decided to play with some today. Having never played with dry ice before, it was time to get creative. Jerry had been filling a pitcher with it and adding boiling water to make this awesome fog. I had the idea to not only make fog, but to add some dish soap to it and see what that did. We were surprised to find that it not only made fog, but it also made huge bubbles. When the boys popped the bubbles, fog came out of it! The boys were pumped about this venture. They played for quite a while just popping bubbles, swishing the water around and enjoying the fog they made. What a cheap and fun morning!

What you will need:
Dry Ice
dish soap
a straw or something to poke the bubbles (the water is boiling in the bowl so you don't want their fingers to get hurt)
boiling water
a large bowl/pitcher

First you boil some water in a large sauce pan. Once it's boiled and ready, pour it into a fairly large bowl. (in the picture, the water looked blue. I did add food coloring thinking it would make blue bubbles... it did not, don't waste your time!)

Take the bowl outside. Set it on the ground and start adding the dry ice. (DON'T let the kiddos add the dry ice unless they have gloves on. It will BURN their fingers. You have to move quickly as it will burn YOUR fingers too!) Enjoy all the fun the kids will have popping bubbles and making their own fog!

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